Toro Inoue, also known as the Sony Cat, has been added to the roster of Sony's upcoming mascot-brawler PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Seeing as how Toro Inoue has been a faithful mascot to Sony in Japan for over a decade, and this is a mascot fighting game, it's only perfect that Inoue be playable.
"He has made appearances in numerous video games spanning several different Sony consoles and is a welcome addition to our roster," said SuperBot Entertainment community manager Dan Maniago.
While Inoue may appear as a cute feline, his warrior instinct makes him a deadly foe. Inoue brings a "unique stance-based fighting style" to PlayStation All-Stars. His different sets of attacks allow him to transition from a "close-range fighter in his Justice form, to a ranged specialist in his Torobi form, to an effective wide-area controller in his Oni form."
"All the while, Toro’s fun-loving charm comes through in every action he performs."
Toro Inoue was revealed on Friday along with another playable character, Tekken series regular Heihachi Mishima. Sony also announced an October 23 release date for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Customers who pre-order the game will be treated to exclusive skins for all of the characters in the game.
Toro Inoue and Heihachi Mishima bring the total PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale roster to 10 characters. Sony has not said how many characters will be featured in the game.