Sony preps for PS4 reveal with an ‘Evolution of PlayStation’ video

What better way to usher in a new generation PlayStation than by remembering the past? That's exactly what Sony has done with what looks to be a series that will take us back through the "Evolution of PlayStation."

Today's video chronicles the beginning of it all, the creation of Sony Computer Entertainment and the launch of the original PlayStation console and DualShock Controller. For anyone who was around for the launch of the original PlayStation in 1994/1995, this video will surely bring back some memories. For those who weren't around, you sure did miss a great generation.

I still remember staying up late playing round after round ofBattle Arena Toshinden. And who didn't play the original Resident Evil? Blocky graphics never looked so great.

So here we are now, about 18 years later, and we're getting ready for the PlayStation 4. Sony is expected to unveil its new console at an event in New York on February 20. Let's appreciate the present, but never forget the past.