Something is coming next week at Gamescom. Something big, based on the teasers Sony has been releasing this past week.
For the second time this week, Sony has released a video hyping up a mysterious announcement that will likely be made during the PlayStation briefing at Gamescom on Tuesday, August 12. Earlier today, Sony told fans to "expect new game announcements" during the show. Whatever they are teasing could be one of them.
Today's teaser doesn't show much — just a bloody axe coming down into a tree stump (with a horrifying noise). There's also some ice cracking which seems to align itself with the frosty teaser from earlier this week. That trailer shared similar the similar themes of blood, ice, and creepy noises. You can check them both out below:
It's Coming
First teaser
So what could it be? Initial thoughts were Until Dawn which was first announced back at Gamescom 2012 as a PlayStation Move title. Since then, the game has been rumored to be redesigned for the PS4 with Project Morpheus in mind. There's also some speculation now that the teasers could be for The Last Guardian. Or maybe it's something totally off the wall, like Frozen: The Game, "a gritty reboot of your favorite Disney movie," like one user speculated.
What do you think?