Earlier today, Sony released a new video highlighting the PlayStation 4's user interface. While we saw dozens of still shots of the interface back in February, this is the first time we've really seen it in action — sort of. Unfortunately, the video is plagued with what is probably some of the worst acting I've seen — their overreactions to gaming hurt my insides — but the actual features shown off are pretty damn sweet.
*NOTE: Your PS4 will not include an attractive female friend.
Among the features shown is the Pinterest-like page which shows your friends' latest game activity. From there it allows you to like their achievements, read more about the game they are playing, or play the game if you own a copy. Some more bad acting aside, you can see the PS4's video sharing capability as Will instantly switches between the game to the video uploaded by the very lovely Sarah Greene and then shares his own video clip.
More bad acting… and Will's obnoxious friend Dino pesters him into playing Killzone: Shadow Fall — despite the fact that he "don't got dat, man." So after he gets a juice, Will purchases the game and begins downlaoding it, but here's the awesome part… He can choose to download the single-player or multiplayer-mode first. While it's downloading, he returns to Knack, flirts with Sarah some more, and then joins his annoying friend.
Jealous of how much fun Will is having with his male companion, Sarah decides to join in on the Killzone action and downloads the game remotely from her mobile device so that it will be ready for her when she returns home.
Cue more bad acting and some awkward flirting between Will and Sarah. Check out the new features in the video below.