PlayStation VR has been available for a while now, and even with a few mild successes here and there, nothing has really made the userbase stampede to the stores like the Nintendo Switch. Titles like Farpoint and a few others have been making waves, but it seems like Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) are preparing a second wave of releases with Sony Santa Monica on the front lines.
Sony Santa Monica is responsible for titles like the God of War franchise. They've already headed a few VR games by partnering with other developers to make Modern Zombie Taxi Co., Here They Lie and Bound.
However, this new wave apparently has Sony Santa Monica is developing solo for a full VR title. A representative from Sony Santa Monica talked to VRFocus about their work, "There’s been a number of projects brought to [Sony] Santa Monica, but many of them have just been prototypes from game jams. [sic]
“[Sony] Santa Monica are working on something big. It’s a full-blown 2nd wave title for [PlayStation VR]. It’ll be revealed soon and I know it’ll go well with the core PlayStation audience, but I can’t say any more than that!”
E3 is coming soon next month, and PlayStation will most likely be pushing the PlaySation VR with this second wave of titles. Be sure to stay tuned to GameZone for full E3 coverage.