Disney Interactive announced the next Play Set and a new set of playable characters for Disney Infinity at their D23 Expo over the weekend. Some of the announced characters were expected because we've seen them in previous trailer and gameplay footage, but another play set and a certain iconic character were surprises.
First, the announced Play Set is Toy Story in Space, featuring Buzz, Jessie and Woody. It's the sixth play set for Disney Infinity and is scheduled to be released in Ocotober. Buzz and Jessie are included in the play set pack, and Woody is sold separately. This space adventure has players relocate Pizza Planet Aliens to a new world, exploring the secrets below the surface of a new planet while unlocking Space Ranger equipment to defend the colony. The set introduces hoverpacks, jetpacks, laser blasters, goo blasters, new mounts and a ton more into Toy Box mode.
As far as new playable character figurines, the most exciting one is Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey. How could Disney have a game where you can do anything with the most popular Disney characters without Mickey Mouse? The answer is: you can't. Other characters are:
- Jack Skellington from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Rapunzel from Tangled, the first Disney Princess added to Disney Infinity
- Wreck-It Ralph and Vanellope from Wreck-It Ralph
- Phineas and Agent P from Phineas and Ferb… but where's Ferb?
- Anna and Elsa from the upcoming Walt Disney Animation Studios' Frozen
With these characters, and something that hasn't been mentioned for the characters released at launch, each figure will come with their own "Adventure." Each Adventure is unique to that character and allows them to play a short game. Players can invite friends to play Adventures with them, with two players on split-screen or four players online. It sounds like they'll be mini play sets set in that character's universe, but if multiple people are playing them, I assume you can use whatever character you want to use. My guess is you'll only be able to play these Adventures in Toy Box mode.
The new character figures will start rolling out this October, through 2014.
Disney Infinity releases on PlayStation 3, Wii, Wii U, 3DS and Xbox 360 on August 18.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at LLiebl@GameZone.com