South Park: The Stick of Truth delayed in Germany

This shouldn't come as much of a surprise, but South Park: The Stick of Truth has been delayed in Germany due to a "symbol of an unconstitutional organization" (read: a Nazi Swastika). In Germany and Austria, symbols of Nazi swastikas are outlawed; The Stick of Truth is littered with them.

"The German and Austrian version of South Park: The Stick of Truth contains a symbol of an unconstitutional organization, whereupon we stopped the distribution of the game and unfortunately will not be able to release it as initially planned on March 6th 2014 on the German and Austrian market," a statement provided by Ubisoft reads. "This concerns all versions/platforms of the game."

"We are extremely sorry for the additional waiting time this will mean for the fans of the game. A new release date of South Park: The Stick of Truth for the German and Austrian market will be announced shortly. We invite customers who have pre-ordered the game to liaise directly with their retailers, who will keep them updated on the new release date."

The German and Austrian releases aren't versions to be affected. The European console versions had several scenes removed. In their place are hilariously descriptive images that explain the scene that is being censored.