Passtech Games, a small indie studio based in Lyon, France is releasing the sequel to 2014's Space Run, aptly named, Space Run Galaxy. The studio recently released a brand new Gameplay Trailer showcasing all of the game's main mechanics.
Players are tasked with defending their ship and its cargo as it travels the galaxy to deliver goods to their clients across four solar systems and over 50 different zones to visit. Space Run Galaxy is a unique spin on the tower defense genre with brand new features including a persistent online universe where you can trade and run for other players.
Players can build and customize their spaceships from scratch: defining the shape in a freeform grid-based creation tool as well as the colors of the body and guns. There's a lot of different things that can be can outfitted on your ship, including laser cannons, shield generators and decoy probes. The game also lets players use mods to improve the abilities of their weapons, shields, and utilities. Mods can also have active abilities that can temporarily change the attributes of the weapon or fire an overcharged shot for extra damage.
Space Run Galaxy is releasing exclusively on PC on June 30th, 2016.