The last time we got some really substantial information regarding ibb and obb was back in January. The game, which had previously surfaced at IndieCade 2008, received a Q2 2012 release date. If you've been paying any attention to the game at all, you're likely aware that it didn't exactly launch as planned.
Developer Sparpweed has announced that ibb and obb will now be released on the PlayStation Network sometime during spring 2013. The extra development time will allow the studio to polish the game and incorporate online multiplayer into the experience.
Speaking of multiplayer, co-op is a very important aspect of ibb and obb, as players must work together to solve puzzles and progress through levels. Just check out the game's debut trailer below and see for yourself. With such heavy emphasis on teamwork, it's easy to see why Sparpweed may need some extra time to add the online component.
I'm really digging the art style of ibb and obb, and if the soundtrack is anything like the music in the trailer, I'll probably enjoy that, too. If you're looking for some interesting co-op puzzle platforming, watch out for ibb and obb next year.
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