Another week another new Splatoon weapon. This time it's another variation of the Nozzlenose type shooters: The H-3 Nozzlenose. It's based on a garden hose, like the others, but the H-3 has been powered up significantly. Nozzlenose class weapons so far have had better than average range and rates of fire, with middling power (at best) to balance it out.
That's no garden hose…Well it is, but it's not one you want to be sprayed by.
The H-3 looks to turn that formula around: The Squid Research Lab claims that it has a slow rate of fire, but an incredibly powerful shot when it does connect. So powerful in fact, that it may be able to splat opponents in a single shot, possibly with the Damage Up augment on your gear.
The Nozzlenose H-3 may look similar to its siblings, but it's in a league of its own in terms of power.
If you don't know the drill already, this latest weapon will become available for purchase tonight at 7PM PST. Stay fresh, squid-kids.