While not yet confirmed, it has been speculated that Zendaya is set to play Mary Jane in the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming film, starring Tom Holland. During events and even on leaked casting sheets, Zendaya has been referred to as Michelle.
No one really knows who Zendaya's Michelle is, but it appears as though Michelle is simply a moniker to keep the Mary Jane secret under wraps. This isn't something entirely new in the film industry. Marion Cotillard voraciously defended that her character 'Miranda Tate' in The Dark Knight Rises, even though she was actually Talia al Ghul.
Whether or not Sony and Marvel refuse to comment on the role, the creator of Mary Jane and Spider-Man has commented on the casting. Stan Lee, the creator of The Amazing Spider-Man comic book, doesn't care what ethnicity the Mary Jane actress is, he just cares about her acting skills.
“If she is as good an actress as I hear she is, I think it’ll be absolutely wonderful,” Lee said in an interview with the Toronto Sun.
There you have it, Stan Lee, the guy that created the character, doesn't care.