Star Wars Battlefront ‘Outer Rim’ DLC gets new trailer and two release dates

One for Season Pass holders, one for non-Season Pass holders.

Prior to EA and DICE offering more details on the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront DLC 'Outer Rim,' it was believed that the content would release on April 5th for $15. New details, courtesy of DICE and EA, revealed that the DLC will release on March 22nd for those that purchased the $50 Season Pass and on April 5th for those who have not purchased the Season Pass.

More details on which weapons and Star Cards have been announced in addition to the release information. You can find these details below:

  • Relby V-10 rifle
  • DT-12 blaster pistol
  • Scatter Gun (Star Card)
  • Dioxis Grenade (Star Card)
  • Adrenaline Stim (Star Card)

The Outer Rim DLC has been detailed to bring a new level cap, a new mode, three new maps, weapons, a new level cap and two new heroes: Greedo and Nien Nunb.