Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One launch trailer released

Rebellions are built on hope

Before it releases next week, EA has revealed the launch trailer for Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One Scarif DLC. In the Scarif DLC, you will battle across four new maps on the tropical planet of Scarif. Play as two new heroes Jyn Erso and Orson Krennic, and blast opponents in a brand new multi-stage game mode with new weapons and Star Cards. 

The new mode, Infiltration, is a multi-stage battle that functions exactly the same as Operations in Battlefield 1. The U-wing featured in the movie will make its debut in game, along with two blaster pistols in the A180 (Jyn) and DT-29 (Orson). You will also be able to use three new Star Cards in

  1. Sonic Imploder – A sound-based hybrid grenade that temporarily blinds enemies, in addition to lowering their armor rating. The Sonic Imploder also damages any enemies in its immediate vicinity
  2. Tie Striker – The Imperials can call in the devastating TIE Striker to make strafing runs on nearby Rebel targets, clearing out heavily fortified enemies
  3. U-Wing – Rebel players can take control of the U-wing's gunner position to rain down damage on the Imperials as it circles the battlefront from above.

Season pass owners ($29.99) can play The Scarif DLC early beginning on December 6th, while other will need to wait two weeks until the 20th.