Star Wars Battlefront Spring DLC plans teases ‘more’ offline play, new heroes

Looks like EA wants to keep you busy (or just keep you).

Since Star Wars Battlefront's latest bit of DLC brought us two new heroes: Greedo and Nien Nunb, three new maps, a new mode, and Hutt contracts, we haven't heard much about the EA's DLC plans for the game.

In January, the game publisher outlined what we could expect for the game (as far as free content goes) up until March, with extra details on what Season Pass holders could look forward to.

A new rundown on the 'near' future of Battlefront has outlined what support we can expect for the game this Spring. According to the publisher, there will be a bit a of free content heading to Battlefront players in the form of in-game events, Hutt contracts, "surprises" and a special Star Wars Day event on May 4th.

As per EA's description:

  • New In-Game Events – more double score weekends, community missions and Special Login Events are coming for players to earn more experience, credits and items.
  • New Hutt Contracts – Unlock powerful Star Cards like the Berserker Trait, Bacta Bomb and Ion Neutralizer.
  • More New Content – We also have a couple of surprises in store that we know our fans have been looking for, especially those who have been clamoring for ways to have more options to enjoy Star WarsBattlefront offline. More to come soon.
  • Specific for May the 4th – In celebration of Star Wars Day we have cool activities planned that we’ll announce soon.

In addition to that, EA has confirmed that there will be a total of eight heroes made available through the Season Pass, including Nien Nunb and Greedo (which leaves us six heroes to look forward to). From here on out, two new hereos will be made available per paid DLC.

In June, Battlefront players can look forward to the Bespin DLC that will bring four new maps for the "most popular" game modes, detailing that "You’ll see AT-ATs in Cloud City, take to the skies in Fighter Squadron, and even spend time in a carbonite chamber." The Bespin DLC will also include more blasters, Star Cards, a new game mode and two new heroes: Lando Calrissian and Dengar.