It was rumored in August that Lando Calrissian would be making an appearance in the young Han Solo spin-off and that we'd be learning about exactly how Han won the Millennium Falcon. Recently, we found out that Donald Glover would be starring alongside Alden Ehrenreich as Lando in the upcoming spin-off.
According to Glover on the Ellen Show there was someone in his life that threatened him not to mess up the role – his mom. Apparently, Glover's mom is a big Billy Dee Williams fan (the original Lando) and she didn't want her son ruining the memory.
“I told my dad immediately,” said Glover, after detailing that his dad gave him a Lando action figure as a child. “He was like, ‘Aww.’ My mom was in the back; she was like, ‘Don’t mess it up! Don’t mess this up!’ ‘Cause Billy Dee — like, that’s her thing.”
Turns out that Glover's Star Wars love isn't new. He was even pictured in his high school yearbook wearing a Star Wars hat. It's funny how things happen.
Check out the video below.
[via GamesRadar]