Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Kylo Ren’s full helmet revealed without the cloak

Inspired by Darth Vader's? Or is it Darth Vader's?

Disney's global toy unboxing event officially kicked off today, giving Star Wars fans just a glimpse at some of the new merchandise that will be available alongside the release of The Force Awakens. The 18-hour event highlights the range of epic merchandise that will officially release on Force Friday (September 4th), but more importantly, it's providing us with more details about the highly anticipated film.

During the Tokyo, Japan, Disney revealed two 31-inch figures — one for the First Order Stormtrooper and another for Kylo Ren. In doing so, we got our first look at the intriguing new villain without his hood. It's our first view of Kylo Ren's full helmet — back and all. 

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Kylo Ren helmet

Upon closer inspection, the helmet very closely resembles that of Darth Vaders — especially the back portion. It almost looks as if Ren took the back of Vader's helmet and forged his own mask onto the front.

And based on what was said during the livestream, it sounds like he was closer to Darth Vader than we even thought. 

"[The figure] comes with the cloak. You can see his helmet — the helmet is in," the host began, "from what we've been reading online, especially on the website and in interviews, it's possible he modeled it after Darth Vader because that's someone he was really, really into and had an affection towards."

"But we'll have to see in the movies," he quickly added, perhaps to not be too spoilery.

What's interesting is that the back of the helmet is full of scratches and dings. Is that just normal wear and tear from wearing it, or has the helmet actually be crafted from parts of Vader's old suit?

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Kylo Ren

Back at the unboxing even home base, the hosts explained of the toy Kylo Ren figure: "This really shows off everything we've seen of Kylo Ren so far. It shows off a homemade aesthetic, like here's a guy who is potentially building all this stuff himself."

Aside from his masked helmet, Kylo Ren has gained attention for his unique lightsaber, which features a distinctive laser crossguard at the hilt. As director JJ Abrams has already confirmed, "The lightsaber is something that he built himself, and is as dangerous and as fierce and as ragged as the character."

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Kylo Ren

Abrams has promised with Kylo Ren a complex villain with depth — "not your prototypical mustach-twirling bad guy." If just his suit has this much detail behind it, I can't wait to find out his backstory.

For fans eager to learn more about the new Star Wars villain, you’ll have to wait until The Force Awakens hits theaters on December 18, 2015.