Can you believe we're already in day nine of the Steam Summer Getaway Sale? I bet your wallet can. Don't worry, in just a few days it'll all be over and you finally get back to paying full price for games again.
Today's daily deals see the discount of several big titles, including a few oldies but goodies. Here's what you can get:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition –
$59.99$35.99 -
Awesomenauts –
$9.99$3.39 -
Dungeons & Dragons Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition-
$19.99$4.99 -
Civilization V –
$29.99$7.49 -
Monaco –
$14.99$7.44 -
Metro: Last Light –
$49.99$29.99 -
Train Simulator 2013 –
$54.99$10.49 -
Trials Evolution Gold Editoin –
$19.99$9.99 -
EVE Online –
$19.95$4.98 -
Grid 2 –
Not a bad batch today. Do you plan on buying any of these?