Stellaris breaks Paradox sales records

Stelalris really took off

The new space strategy game Stellaris is breaking Paradox Interactive's in-house records, it seems like Stellaris really took off.

We here at GameZone loved Stellaris and gave it high praise in our review and it seems like a lot more people are agreeing with us since it has broken every record available to break at Paradox. This is the most successful launch for a Paradox developed game, it has also broken a few records held by Paradox published games as well.

The decision to go from the typical games like Europa Universalis and Hearts of Iron into a more accessible space strategy game seems to have paid off. Over 68,000 players had played Stellaris within 24 hours after release, dethroning the previous record holder Cities: Skylines. Stellaris has also already sold over 200,000 units, breaking even more Paradox records. It's fair to say that Stellaris had a stellar launch.

Fredrik Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive is understandably happy with the launch of Stellaris

"This release is the result of hard work and dedication from the entire company and in particular Paradox Development Studio. The incredible reception by players, indicated for instance by the steam user reviews, is all the proof we could ask for that our hard work paid off. Our fans have put their faith in us and Stellaris will be a part of Paradox's onwards journey for a long time to come."

The type of game Stellaris is is in many ways new for Paradox and it took some courage to take the leap of faith that making this game was, something that they told us in an interview. Henrik Fåreaus, game director, put it like this

"Stellaris breaks a lot of new ground for Paradox Development Studio. It is a type of game we have never attempted to do before, and we are immensely satisfied to see this leap of faith work out well, especially with all the positive response we are getting from the players. We are listening very keenly to all the feedback we are getting and look forward to many years of continued expansions and improvements to the game. Let's make space great again, together!"

Seems Paradox and its fans has along journey ahead of them with a lot of new and exciting content for the masterpiece of a game that Stellaris.