Submerged is a combat-free exploration game coming this August

With a score by Jeff Van Dyck

Developer Uppercut Games calls their latest title, Submerged, a “third-person combat-free game” about exploration. The game stars Miku, a young woman who’s brought her ill younger brother to a desolate cityscape in search of aid.

As the game’s PS4 trailer shows, Submerged is no wasteland. With no combat to speak of, the game instead doubles down on taking in and rooting around colorful, waterlogged environments bursting with green.

A seemingly free-form sailing mechanic complements the game’s climbing system, allowing players to check every nook and cranny in their hunt for supplies with the help of a telescope.  

The narrative behind submerged must also be found, pieced together from hidden objects that contextualize “a broken world and a broken family.” They’ll also probably address the whole flooding thing.

Underscoring all this is a soundtrack provided by Jeff Van Dyck, perhaps best known for his work on Alien: Isolation (but most recently Hand of Fate), which earned Submerged the Best Audio award at the 2015 Freeplay Festival.

Submerged will release on PS4 and PC (via Steam) August 4, 2015. An Xbox One version will arrive August 7. Between it, The Castle Game and Infinifactory, the month will see a number of interesting titles. 

Source [PlayStation Blog] [Uppercut Games