Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS sales off to a smashing start in Japan

How long does it take for most games break one million copies sold? A week? A weekend?

Turns out, it only takes two days for over one million copies of Super Smash Bros. (3DS) to sell in Japan. The news was broken to us today by the Nintendo UK Twitter account. The game has yet to release in the UK or US – maybe one of the two can sell a million in one day. Take that Japan (for getting it early)!

Fun fact: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS is priced at 5,200 Yen – which roughly converts to $48.51 US. Selling one million copies in Japan made Nintendo $48,510,000.00 US (or 520000000000 Yen) in just two days. 

Side Note: This is probably Nintendo right now.

Are you play the demo? What do you think? Let me know!

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