Survey finds Xbox One owners spend the most time gaming, but more people want a PS4

PC master race?

A new survey from Global Web Index (GWI) has revealed that people spend the most time gaming on the Xbox One, that most people who still own last-gen consoles want a PS4 and PC gaming is still king.

GWI interviewed over 50,000 internet users whose ages ranged from 16-64, across 34 markets including North America, parts of South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. 

According to the survey, most people are gaming on are on PC or mobile devices, but older internet users are more likely to use their PC instead of a smartphone.

As far as console gaming goes, around 3 out of 10 people are gaming on a console – most of which are gaming on last-gen consoles. If those gamers were to upgrade, though, they'd be getting a PlayStation 4. In addition to this data, it was found that 4 out of 10 internet users were interested in VR headsets (mostly the younger audience).

Here's what people are playing on:

  • 65% PC/Laptop
  • 64% Smartphone
  • 34% Tablet
  • 31% Game Console
  • 14% Handheld Gaming Device
  • 11% Mobile/Cell Phone (not a smartphone) 
  • 11% None of the above

While the PS4 might be the more desired console for last-gen users, the Xbox One community is the one that spends the most time gaming. According to the study, Xbox One users spend the most amount of time gaming, followed by Wii U players, then PS4. 

Here's the breakdown of how long each community spent gaming on average:

  • Xbox One: 2 hours 27 minutes
  • Wii U: 2 hours 26 minutes
  • PS4: 2 hours 15 minutes
  • Xbox 360: 1 hour 58 minutes
  • PS3: 1 hour 55 minutes
  • Wii: 1 hour 34 minutes

I don't find that the survey really offers any type of mind blowing information, to say the least, but I guess it's nice to know stats… right?