Sword Art Online: Lost Song coming to the US this Fall

Hollow Fragment getting re-released on PS4 this Summer

Sword Art Online is easily one of the more popular Anime franchises currently out, and has so far finished its second season. Last year, fans of the show got treated to a game that originally released on the PSP, as well as an entire new campaign with expanded content and characters for the PlayStation Vita, titled Hollow Fragment. The game was certainly good, albeit too complicated for its own good. Japan has already seen the release of a sequel, titled Lost Song, which takes place during an alternate timeline in the second half of the first season. Today, Bandai Namco announced that we'll be getting Lost Song on the Vita and PS4 in the Fall of this year, as well as the PS4 remake of Hollow Fragment

Sword Art Online: Lost Song will take players into the world of ALfheim Online, which features the ability of flight, allowing every player to sprout wings and explore the land through the air. Like the previous game, this will once again be an alternate storyline, since it will once again feature characters like Sion, who are prominent in the show's second season.

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment on the other hand will be a PS4 port of the Vita game, keeping all the original content of the game, as well as all the DLC from the Vita game. The press release stated that those with save files from the Vita version will be able to unlock certain items in the PS4 version, which sounds like save files unfortunately won't carry over.

Fans of ridiculously long games with an extensive amount of content and exploration will have a lot to look forward to, especially if they're fans of the show. Of course those who feared Lost Song wouldn't make it to the US can now rest easy knowing that it will get a PS4 and PS Vita release this Fall.

Check out some of the screenshots from Sword Art Online: Lost Song below:

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Gameplay

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Gameplay team up

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Flight gameplay

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Kirito

Sword Art Online: Lost Song combat gameplay