Does the beta invite to Star Wars: The Old Republic have you insanely pumped yet left you in a complete stupor? Are you logged into the site and you're confused with how on Earth you're supposed to download the massive 20+ GB client? Fear not for we'll walk you through step by step on how to acquire Bioware's epic MMO.
1. First and foremost, you have to have a beta eligible account. If you haven't received that coveted email stating that you've been selected, this is the step that I must bid you farewell, and hope that your midichlorian count is higher next time around.
2. If you're at this step, CONGRATULATIONS! You've been selected to participate in the SWTOR Beta and now you're just dying to play it. It only gets better from here.
3. Go to the link and login with your correct credentials. Putting in false information will get you nowhere and EA's Bounty Hunters are at the ready to silence you for good.
4. The next screen is what you're looking for. The coveted Download Now button gleams before your very eyes and is waiting for you to press it.
5. Well what are you waiting for?! Press the Download Button!
6. Don't get too excited that the download is only 24.4MB. That's only just a sliver of what you'll have to sit through. Once the installer is on your system, it's time to boot it up…and wait.
7. At this point I would suggest making yourself a sandwich, heck even a full blown turkey dinner. Depending on your internet connection, this download could very well take you 5 hours of more to finish.
8. Once it's finished, login to the game and enjoy. Trust me, you will.