DC Universe Online is adding another free batch of new content, and this one goes by the name of “Heads or Tales.” Focusing on Harvey Dent, better known to as “Two-Face,” the content allows users to partake in new missions and raids around Gotham City.
One is a mission into Penguin’s hideout, where you’ll be tasked with sabotaging Dent’s smuggling operation. Gamers won’t know whether Two-Face will help or hinder their efforts–it all depends on the flip of a coin. Dent will also be available as a playable character in the “Play as Iconic” mode of PvP, where he can call in goons or gain powers based, again, on a coin flip.
Additional content includes a cameo by Mister Mxyzptlk, who can alter the appearance of Metropolis; the ability to disguise yourself as a citizen to play tricks on other races; and my personal favorite, 5th dimensional citizens dressed up as leprechauns guarding a pot of gold coins.
The update is out now for the PC and PlayStation 3, and best of all, it’s free. That’s probably the best decision considering the multitude of problems the game has suffered with since launch. Sony managed to sort a number of the problems with relative speed, so props to them on their timeliness and the free content.