Yoshimitsu has gone through a design overhaul once again. It's not uncommon for the space ninja /demon bug (now squid) thing to go through changes in design – at this point it should be expected.
The latest rendition of Yoshimitsu looks like a tentacle monster with bunny-like features; long tentacle bunny ears, big bunny thighs (all the better for pouncing about like a space ninja), and those glowing blue dots that could almost be mistaken for big bunny eyes (we shall rename him, Squidmitsunny. Pronounced: Squid- Mitsu-oony).
Let's look at the odd evolution of Yoshimitsu:
Yoshimitsu from Tekken 4
Yoshimitsu from Tekken 5
Yoshimitsu from Tekken 6
Yoshimitsu from Tekken 7
Or is it…
We all know there Yoshimitsu's knew design will end up…