Terminally Ill Star Wars fan that saw Rogue One early passed away

Rest in peace.

Prior to the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Disney granted the wish of one terminally ill Star Wars fan, he got to see the film before he passed away. One week after watching having his wish granted, 32-year old Daniel Fleetwood passed away.

With Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on the horizon, Disney had the opportunity to do it again. A terminally ill Star Wars fan named Neil Hanvey had his dream come true, he got to watch Rogue One on Saturday night, months ahead of its December release.

"On behalf of Neil Hanvey, his wife Andrea and all his family, we want to thank everyone who supported the #RogueOneWish campaign," wrote St. Michael's Hospice on their wrote Monday on its Facebook page. "The director of Rogue One, Gareth Edwards, did all he could to make Saturday a very special day for Neil. Neil, his family and everyone at St. Michael's Hospice would like to say thank you to Disney, Lucasfilm and especially Gareth Edwards."

The campaign for Neil Hanvey was supported by a number of people across the web, including Mark Hamill. Shortly after viewing the film, Neil Hanvey passed away at 36-years old on Monday night.

[The Hollywood Reporter]