Terry Crews, Troy Baker, and Volition talk Saints Row 4 story

Currently, I'm reviewing Saints Row 4 — it's a wild ride. But among the anal probing and the super powering, there's a story in this game. It revolves around the Zin alien race coming to Earth and transporting the Saints to a bizarro-Steelport simulation in hopes of breaking them down until they join the Zin empire. Needless to say, you — as the leader of the free world — don't take it lying down. Armed with fancy technology and superpowers, you and the rest of the Saints will take the fight to the alien leader Zinyak.

Don't like my brief explanation? Check out this week's exclusive behind-the-scenes dev diary in which Volition's Jim Boone (senior producer), Steve Jaros (creative director), and Chris Claflin (lighting lead), along with actors Terry Crews (voice of Ben King) and Troy Baker (default male voice) share their thoughts on how the virtual world of Steelport allows for even more boundaries to be crossed than ever before. And yes, there's a little story talk in there as well.

Saints Row 4 launches August 20 in North America. Be sure to check back next week for GameZone's review of the game.