Destiny has been in our hands for over a week now. By now, you're probably level 20. That's all fine and dandy, but the real challenge is now getting those Rares and Legendaries to add to your Light. After all, you want to get into that Vault of Glass, right?
Now what's the best way to do that? While we've already posted some easy farming locations in Destiny for Glimmer and Engrams, none of them even compare to this method, shared with me by "Jolt1030" and explained by my good friend Andrew LaMaster who originally suggested I make the following guide: "How to mindlessly shoot into a cave and pray for Legendary Engrams."
So that's what I'm doing. Well, technically someone already made the guide, I'm just sharing it. But basically, that's all you do — go to Skywatch in Old Russia, Earth, aim your weapon at the cave spawning Acolytes, and fire away. It's completely mindless, but that's okay because you'll get MAD LOOT! Although, I will warn that by using a Pulse Rifle you'll likely have to make more trips to the cave to pick up more ammo resulting in slower farming. Also, I've been told to use Black Wax Idols for extra Glimmer, so you're really killing two birds with one stone here.
In case you don't understand my directions, below is the "BEST LEGENDARY ENGRAM FARMING GUIDE," courtesy of M4giX312.
Of course, it should also be known that as of the time of this writing I'm level 23 with absolutely no Legendaries. I did get two Legendaries through the Crucible but one was for a Warlock and the other for a Hunter; I'm a Titan. Go figure.
Oh, and if you are lucky enough to get a Legendary Engram, there's a good chance the Cryptarch will turn it into a Rare. Because he's a di*k. Time to start praying to that RNG.
Still, you wouldn't believe how fun it is to mindlessly mow down a bunch of alien scum.