The Great Dreamer, Cthulhu, is preparing for his awakening and Cyanide Studio has launched their E3 trailer for their latest game, Call of Cthulhu.
Cyanide Studio is making the "video game adaptation of Chaosium’s pen & paper RPG" as an RPG-investigation game mixed with psychological horror and stealth based on H.P. Lovecraft's story about the great Cthulhu.
The game will have players control veteran turned private investigator, Edward Pierce in a 1920s Boston as he investigates the "tragic and mysterious death of Sarah Hawkins and her family in Darkwater Island". The Hawkins mansion and Darkwater Island holds more secrets than meets the eye.
The closer Pierce gets to the truth the more twisted the world around him will become and the great powers from beyond will slowly start to chip away at Pierce's sanity. The closer he gets to Cthulhu's sphere of influence the harder it will become to distinguishing reality from illusion.
Call of Cthulhu is set to release sometime in 2017 for consoles and PC.