The Coalition addresses Gears of War 4 beta code distribution mess up

All codes should be delivered by Thursday

With the Gears of War 4 beta token supposed to be going out beginning yesterday, many players were left hanging when they did not receive theirs as planned. Codes were supposed to be distributed in chronological order based on when you played the Gears of War Ultimate Edition, but this did not occur.

The Coalition addressed the issue by commenting

"Microsoft Operations had an issue [on April 18] with their code drop and unfortunately the codes will not be distributed in chronological order as originally messaged. We will be doing another code drop [evening of April 18] to help address some of the issues. As noted before, codes will be going out in waves as we ramp up our servers through the beta."

All codes should be sent out by Thursday night with the early access beta period ending on April 24th. It will then open up to all XBL Gold players from April 25th – May 1st. 

Gears of War 4 is set to release on Xbox One October 11th.