The Dark Knight Rises viral marketing headlines Catwoman’s burglary, other background stories

Outside of the original announcement and first few screenshots of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises, the majority of the attention surrounding the third installment of the franchise has centered on new villain Bane and the fate of Bruce Wayne/Batman.

Hathaway garnered much attention when first announced as Catwoman, but since she has played second fiddle to the creepy Bane – mostly because people don't really know what to expect from her. Catwoman is a tricky role to pull off and few have done so in a memorable way. But the latest viral marketing for The Dark Knight Rises is set to put the thief in the limelight again with a flurry of "news" headlines bringing attention to a series of cat burglaries around Gotham City.

The Gotham Observer newspaper (via the DewGothamCity viral site) has reported on the "slew" of robberies within Gotham City. The viral article mentions a total of eight robberies "in just 72 hours". The victims allegedly saw the thief, whose sex remains a mystery (though we all know it's female), dressed "all in black".

In another fake article, the Gotham Observer talks about football phenom Zach Harris. Remember the trailer where the football player is running down the field only to turn back and see half of the stadium destroyed? Well, apparently his name is Zach Harris and he's the Gotham Rogues' star receiver. Harris, according to the article, is a 14-year veteran who's played his entire career with the Rogues.

If you are into the Batman franchise and eagerly anticipating The Dark Knight Rises, then I suggest you take a look at this latest viral newspaper. It's a pretty entertaining read.

The Dark Knight Rises Newspaper

The Dark Knight Rises article 2

The Dark Knight Rises article 3