Well Dark Souls/comic fans, the day has finally arrived. No, it’s not Dark Souls II release day but it's something to feed the hunger while we wait for March 11th. The first two pages of the Dark Souls II: Into the Light have arrived. Every week two more pages will be added to the Facebook site for our enjoyment. The slow intake of these pages is designed to hold us over until the game is released with the final upload on the European release date of Dark Souls II.
The bonfire is a symbol of relaxation, peace, and life. Due to this, it attracts friendly faces to join in the sitting activities. We mustn’t forget that in a world of darkness, any sort of light sticks out. So while you may draw good conversation with a weary traveler, you could also attract any horror looking for a meal.
Enjoy the start of this comic written by Rob Williams and Andi Ewington with art provided by Simon Coleby. The cover, title page, and first two pages can be found below. Knight Ahead.