Remember that X-Men show people at Fox have been hinting at? No, not the FX series Legion that comes out next month, the other show.
Originally in 2015, Fox was playing with the idea of an X-Men series called Hellfire but it was abandoned for a new idea. This new idea is an X-Men series that may soon get a pilot ordered. But what is it going to be about?
Many fans are unsure about the FX series Legion as it's not based on a well-known segment of X-Men lore. But Matt Nix, working on the Fox project, explained to The Hollywood Reporter that the new series would tie directly into the X-Men movie universe.
"A fan of the movies but also the comics would not be disoriented at all as to where this fits in the mythology, If you look at the movies, which take place from–they started in 2003 to now–they don't all line up perfectly. I'm not slavishly fitting them into a particular slot. "But at the same time, if you like the world of the movies, there are definite nods to the movies. It exists in the same general universe."
He goes on to say the show will focus on mutant teenagers going on the run after their mutant powers emerge. He said that fans can expect familiar X-Men to appear in the show. "There are a certain amount of [familiar] characters that I can use and am using and then other characters I'm inventing," he said. "But everything is invented with a nod toward the existing mythology."
What is known about the series is that it will be unrelated to Legion, but with ties to the movie series, similarly to Agents of Shield. It's refreshing to hear a new story being created for an existing franchise instead of rehashing old content, but will it be able to carry itself? The X-Men is a beloved franchise and if the spotlight isn't on the well-known protagonists of the series, will it ultimately lead to its demise, or will it find a niche like Agents of Shield found and become something of its own? According to Nix, we will find out in the next week or two as the pilot pickup is decided upon.