The Free Bundle offers some neat indie games at no cost

Indie game bundles are quite interesting. They offer up a bunch of cool titles at pay-what-you-want prices. It really can't get any better … unless it can! The Free Bundle takes the indie bundle approach and gives you the chance to check out some cool games absolutely free of charge.

The games on tap this time around are Abobo's Big Adventure, Ascension, Celestial Mechanica, Imscared,and Nitronic Rush. You can download each of these titles on Windows, though Abobo's Big Adventure and Celestial Mechanica are also supported on Mac.

The reason these games are free is to raise awareness on the small development teams behind them. These are the types of games that thrive on word of mouth — by being offered for free, they'll hopefully be recommended by the players. Additionally, more generous individuals are welcome to make donations to the devs if they so desire.

The Free Bundle will run for the next 36 days. If you've yet to play any of the five games in the promotion, be sure to check 'em out. Did I mention they're free?

[The Free Bundle]

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