If you can read Japanese, the Hyrule Historia is a phenominal purchase for having a complete compendium for everything Zelda. This book is a complete historical text covering the art, oral history, and even the land of Hyrule itself. If you don’t read Japanese, it’s still and awesome picture book but so much of the content is still lost. Well come early next year, all this will change.
For the English speaking Zelda fan boys/girls, Dark House Comics is going to print a version of the Hyrule HIstoria for you. Dark Horse will publish, reprint, and even put out unreleased manga for you hardcore Zelda fans out there. I can’t imagine a better Zelda collector’s item or perhaps the best coffee table book ever.
This hardcover bad boy will ship January 29th and will sell for $35. How could you NOT get it? As a gamer and a historian, I don’t even have to think twice about this purchase.
Here’s looking at you Link.
Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ