The first issue of The Last of Us: American Dreams, a comic series created for Naughty Dog's highly anticipated game The Last of Us, has been released and is now available in comic shops today for $3.99. The series is made by collaboration between Naughty Dog Creative Director Neil Druckmann, artist and writer Faith Erin Hicks, and colorist Christina Strain.
The Last of Us: American Dreams is a prequel to the new game. It presents the story of thirteen-year-old Ellie's life in a violent, post-pandemic world. "A newcomer at a military boarding school, Ellie is reluctant to toe the line, which earns her new enemies—and her first glimpse of the world outside.," a brief description explains.
I've had a brief preview of the first issue, and it definitely looks intriguing. Things in the quarantined zone certainly aren't what they appear, and there seems to be a deeper story surrounding the Fireflies. Today's release is just the first of four planned episodes of American Dreams. With a launch date of June 14, 2013 for the game, the entire comic series should be released before then.