The Matrix Online had less than 500 active players

No one cares. Seriously. So what if the MMO formerly known as The Matrix Online had less than 500 players before it shut down. It's 2013. 

Monolith Productions' MMO closed in 2009 by Sony Online entertainment. Linda "Brasse" Carlson, director of global community relations at SOE, said at GDC Europe 2013, "The breaking point where cost of maintenance just to keep the game up was ridiculous. Sometimes you just have to shut these games down." The Matrix Online was four-years-old at the time.

Thank you GDC Europe 2013 for this breaking news. There are lessons to be learned, but they could have been learned in 2010. And here I am writing it… #CaseoftheMondays

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at

