The new Twisted Treeline beta is now live in League of Legends

When Riot said they were redoing the Twisted Treeline, I honestly did not expect this complete makeover.  Twisted Tree lane is League of Legends’ 3v3 map.  Besides Summoner’s Rift, Dominion, and Proving Grounds, this is the other map option.   

Twisted Treeline v2.0 has all sorts of new features.  There are new TT specific items, certain items have been removed (like wards), new art, new layout, new brush locations, speed shrines, and money making alters.  Did I mention Vilemaw, the giant spider boss?  No?  When he is like the Barron of TT, kill him to get a team buff.

Riot has also added anti ‘turtle’ precautions.  A wider choke point into bases, alter buffs, and Vilemaw buffs should help a winning team push to win.  I’m pretty excited for this.  In all honestly, I’ve never been much of a Twisted Treeline player but I’ll give this a shot.  I never liked how the massive bruisers dominated TT, with the new items I believe Riot is trying to add more diversity and allow champions that have never had a large impact be able to shine more.     

I look forward to trying this ‘new’ map out.  Check out Riot’s video below.

New Twisted Treeline


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ