If you visit our culture section frequently, you'll see that I'm getting a little fed up with Gangnam Style parodies. Klingon Style, Gandalf style — it's the new "Things girls say," and it's getting a little ridiculous. And then one of my friends posted this gem on my Facebook wall. RaOn is a music group at UC Berkeley who has over 700 thousand views on their Gangnam Style acoustic cover. The duet singing is Jaydee Min and Elle Kim, and boy, do they sound good together. The guitarist is Michael Jun, and the song is arranged by Seungjun Lee. Lee did an excellent job making Gangnam Style sound like a brand-new song with a coffee house feel. It's saved to my favorites, and I'll be listening to it for a long time to come.
You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, and the stupidity of celebrities.