The PS4 has sold 7 million copies worldwide

Sony has announced that the PlayStation 4 has sold over 7 million global units as of April 6th, 2014. In addition, the company has sold over 20.5 million copies of PS4 games. Those figures include both retail and PlayStation Store sales data and are up to date through April 13th, 2014.

The company announced back in February that they have sold over 5.3 million units leading up to the Japanese release on February 22nd. 

The PS4 should continue to move units as we find out more and more about the first batch of holiday blockbusters, which will likely happen this June at E3. Until then, PS4 owners can look forward to Transistor, Wolfenstein: The New OrderWatch Dogs, and The Evil Within, and Destiny all arriving before the holiday season kicks into high gear.
