It's been known for a while that Dwayne The Rock Johnson will be playing Black Adam in the upcoming Shazam! film from the DC films extended universe. The actor posted last week that he met with several higher ups at DC, including head man Geoff Johns to go over some of their plans.
Apparently, as a result of that meeting, the Shazam! film has been split into two movies, with The Rock's Black Adam character getting his own standalone film. This is according to The Hollywood Reporter who broke the story earlier today. The setup could be done in multiple ways, the film could be split into Part 1 and Part 2, similar to The Hunger Games or be something like The Rock's first film, where he played The Scorpion King in The Mummy film and then went on to receive his own Scorpion King movie afterward.
No actor has been named for Shazam yet, who's real name is Billy Batson. The name Shazam is actually an acronym for six gods from which he gets his powers; Solomon, Hercules, Aries, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. Who do you think would be a good actor to portray Shazam? Let us know below.