The voice of Duke Nukem somehow makes ’50 Shades of Grey’ better

What do you get when you combine the sh*ttiness of Duke Nukem Forever with the literary crapsterpiece 50 Shades of Grey? Actually, something quite funny. At ConnectiCon, Team Four Star was joined by the Duke Nukem voice actor John St. John. During the panel, John got a copy of 50 Shades of Grey and proceeded to read an excerpt from it in the voice of Duke Nukem. Now, I haven't heard the audio book of 50 Shades of Grey, but I totally would buy it if it was read in the voice of Duke Nukem.

There's something about hearing Duke tell a girl he's going to put two shiny silver balls linked by a thick black thread inside her, then tell her he's going to spank her for pleasure… only to tell her, "Then we'll f*ck."

[Source: Kotaku]

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