The Witness price and pre-order details revealed

Is that a higher price than you expected?

As we approach the January 26th release date for The Witness, more information on the game has been by the game's creator, Jonathan Blow. The developer has finally revealed when pre-orders for the game will go live and how muck the game will cost.

Puzzle game enthusiasts can look forward to pre-ordering the game for PC through Steam, the game's site and the Humble Store today at 12:00PM PST/ 3:00PM EST for the price of $39.99 / €36.99 / £29.99 (the price might be associated with Blow tapping into his own funds to get the game completed).

The game will not be available for pre-order for the PS4, because the developers didn't know that the PSN page would have to be set up months in advance.

The Witness

Nearly a year ago, Blow hit a major milestone for the PlayStation 4, PC and iOS game, he had finished all 677 puzzles for the game. The 677 puzzles should take players anywhere from 20 to 40 to 100 hours to complete, depending on whether you are a completionist.

The Xbox One might see The Witness one day, but the developer has no plans for that at the moment.