August 30, 2006
The Adventure Company Releases 5
New Screenshots for Dead Reefs
A collection of 5 new screenshots
from The Adventure Company’s mystery adventure title, Dead Reefs are now
available for viewing.
Infamous for the wicked pirate
inhabitants that would lure passing ships into the reefs, the island of Dead
Reefs is a world of intrigue, mystery and suspense. One stormy evening an
ancient order of monks set anchor only to fall victim to these vile pirates…
Immerse yourself into a murder
investigation following the discovery of an old relic more evil than the corrupt
island ruler himself, Baron DeSantra.
With over 40 minutes of high-quality
cut-scenes and atmospheric music set in the 18th century, players will be
captivated by this 3D adventure.
Click here to view all of the
Dead Reefs screenshots