There is no objection to the release of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy HD on iOS

As of today, Capcom has released the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy HD for you habeas corpus lovers out there. You’ll be able to slam tables, point your finger, and most importantly yell “objection” with the best of them. As the title suggests, this app comes with the first three titles in the Ace Attorney series: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations.

As Phoenix Wright, you’ll be investigating crime scenes and cross-examining witnesses to the best of your abilities. Justice must be served and you’re the only attorney out there that can get the job done. While originally coming out on the Nintendo DS, this iOS version is getting a full HD update and simplified swipe commands.

On top of all this, you’ll also receive “Everyone Object” mode. Players can communicate, help, and taunt other players by sending them popular "Objection!", "Hold it!", and "Take that!" messages. These blurbs can be both emailed and tweeted WITH an animated image.

This trilogy can be yours for $17 and is out now; get your lawyer on.