This Dark Souls 3 strategy guide includes a real Estus Flask

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The official Dark Souls Twitter today revealed a deluxe strategy guide bundle for Dark Souls 3 which includes a real Estus Flask.

The $129.99 bundle (available via Amazon) includes a 320-page hardcover strategy guide complete with a 192-page Darksign Journal. An 8-inch metal Wolf Knight’s Greatsword bookmark is also included and offers another, somewhat spoiler-y glimpse at the game’s weaponry.

The bundle’s official PrimaGames listing describes the bookmark as being styled after “the Greatsword of a knight tainted by the Dark of the Abyss,” which is in many ways reminiscent of the original Dark Souls’ Artorias of the Abyss DLC.

Of course, the real treat here is the bona fide Emerald Estus Flask, a “high-quality, resin replica” of the iconic consumable unique to the mainline Dark Souls games. Bloodborne’s many sanguine vials are all well and good, but nothing compares to the cool, refreshing taste of good old fashioned Estus. I assume.

We have seen some fine Dark Souls merch crop up lately. Just recently, Barnes and Noble unveiled a lengthy hardcover design book for Dark Souls 2. Several newly revealed Dark Souls 3 pre-order bonuses are also offering up some hefty bonuses of their own, including soundtracks and custom themes.

Thanks, Polygon