Mods are the best right? Case in point, this latest mod which essentially turns The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt into a turn-based card battler.
The way it works is that every normal battle has now been replaced with a card game of Gwent when you attack an enemy. The Gwent match plays out like normal and you can actually earn more cards this way and build up your deck. To make things a little less frustrating, defeating an enemy will also defeat any surrounding enemies in a 30 meter radius. That pretty much means that it's always time to d-d-d-d-d-d-duel.
Check it out in action below. Note that the Gwent combat was sped up on purpose to showcase the surrounding enemies being defeated as well.
The mod can be downloaded here at The Nexus. Currently, there is no scaling for the decks, and all enemy decks are randomized, so the modder recommends using an end-game Gwent deck.