This Resident Evil survival course will have you paintballing zombies

In support of the impending remaster of the original Resident Evil and with the aid of military base camp Kawaba, Capcom has opened a paintball-based survival course replica honoring the hit series.

This is no sightseeing tour, mind you. As Siliconera reports, the course contains three different game modes: Capture the Flag, Zombie War and Defend the Dignitary. While CTF is self-explanatory, Zombie War is an infection round in which Team Zombie is tasked with biting shooting Team Hero, thus turning them to their side.

Defend the Dignitary is curiously reminiscent of that one time you shoved Ashley Graham in a bin in Resident Evil 4—one team is guarding a VIP with the aid of a dummy target, and the other is gunning for their throat.

Unlike Ubisoft’s brief gamescom Assassin’s Creed parkour course, Capcom’s Resident Evil simulator will be open through October.


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Austin Wood started working as a writer when he was just 18, and realized he was doing a terrible job at just 20. Several years later, he's confident he's doing a significantly less terrible job. You can connect with him on Twitter @austinwoodmedia.