Tilda Swinton confirms role as the Ancient One in Doctor Strange film

That's awesome.

It's official, Tilda Swinton will be joining Benedict Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor in the upcoming Doctor Strange film. Swinton will has revealed that she has taken the role of the traditionally male Ancient One.

"It's done," she revealed to Screencrush when asked about her talks with Marvel. "We're so far in talks that we’re not talking any more. It's done. The conversation has been had." In terms of how the Ancient One will be portrayed Swinton isn't sure yet, but she isn't a stranger to playing masculine roles.

In the past Swinton appeared as the androgynous angel Gabriel in 2005's Constantine film. There is a chance that her portrayal of the Ancient One will take a similar turn.

During the interview with ScreenCrush, it became apparent that Swinton wasn't only excited to the film as an actor, but also as a fan.

"I just really liked the premise of this and the idea of playing this character. I’m a Marvel fan and I think this particular world that Doctor Strange goes into is really, really, really exciting. I’m really interested as both an actor and a fan to see what’s done in this particular world. It’s all about creativity. It’s not about everything exploding at the end. It’s about something very different. The idea of playing The Ancient One is really just too tickling. I can’t say no to that!"

Until we get a trailer or more information on the film, we will have to wait and see how they portray the Ancient One (and whether or not Rachel McAdams got a role)! Doctor Strange is set to release on November 4, 2016.