Titanfall Beta codes being sold on eBay

Didn't get accepted into the Titanfall beta yet? The good news is you've still got a few more days as EA will continue to send out invites in waves up until 11:59pm PST on February 17. The first batch of invites went out last night, but I just got mine this morning — so there's still hope for those of you still waiting for that golden ticket.

As Respawn has already warned, though, only a limited number of participants will be selected. So what's your other option? Well,  I guess you could turn to eBay where there are dozens of Titanfall beta codes being auctioned off. The price for early access ranges anywhere from $30 to $100 but if you're going to do that you might as well just wait until the game releases.

Why pay that much money for a simple beta test? You can buy the full game in a month and have it forever. Also, I'm not entirely sure of EA's policy on this sort of thing but I'm going to guess that they don't like the idea of people selling these beta codes. So if you do decide to buy one, just know that it probably comes with a risk.

Registration for Titanfall's beta is still open, but will close today at 4:00pm PST.